Now available: The first remote monitoring solution for Tx/Rx in LMR systems.
Radio systems are vital for ensuring safety, security, and system access around the world. Whatever happens, these mission-critical systems absolutely must work.
Combilent serve radio system owners and integrators that don’t wish to compromise. With us, you get beyond-standards RF conditioning solutions and access to leading subject-matter experts. Based on an extensive product portfolio and decades of experience, we can advise, design and build tailored solutions for your needs.
OEMs, LMR integrators and distributors trust us to provide them with industry-leading RF products customized to their needs – for radio systems that can’t be compromised.
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Most land mobile radio systems are absolutely critical for ensuring safety, security, and system access: no matter the conditions, they must work.
For over 20 years, Combilent has been the passionate leader in the land moblie radio sector. Our team delivers strategic solutions custom-designed to meet client specifications while exceeding all international quality and compliance standards.
From design and compliance, to manufacturing and testing – all is part of our 360° Commitment approach.
Then get in touch with our subject-matter experts.