Do you know it works, or do you hope it works?

Now available: The first remote monitoring solution for Tx/Rx in LMR systems.

Do all you can do with beyond-standards RF solutions

Radio systems are vital for ensuring safety, security, and system access around the world. Whatever happens, these mission-critical systems absolutely must work.

Combilent serve radio system owners and integrators that don’t wish to compromise. With us, you get beyond-standards RF conditioning solutions and access to leading subject-matter experts. Based on an extensive product portfolio and decades of experience, we can advise, design and build tailored solutions for your needs.

  • Innovative grade-A technology and the smallest products available
  • Trusted by global OEMs and enabling millions of public-safety calls every day
  • Extensive customization options and direct access to subject-matter experts

If your system can’t be compromised, don’t compromise

OEMs, LMR integrators and distributors trust us to provide them with industry-leading RF products customized to their needs – for radio systems that can’t be compromised.

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Discover beyond-standards RF solutions for your industry
Public Safety

Public Safety







Combilent – radio system trailblazers since 2004

Most land mobile radio systems are absolutely critical for ensuring safety, security, and system access: no matter the conditions, they must work.

For over 20 years, Combilent has been the passionate leader in the land moblie radio sector. Our team delivers strategic solutions custom-designed to meet client specifications while exceeding all international quality and compliance standards.

  • Smallest design on the market
  • Extensive features with high specifications
  • Design to order on a large scale
  • Product design and assembly team based in Denmark
  • Combined 30+ years of experience in OEM and Field Engineering markets

360° Commitment

From design and compliance, to manufacturing and testing – all is part of our 360° Commitment approach.


We take our role as a responsible manufacturing company seriously.

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Building or servicing a radio system that absolutely must work?

Then get in touch with our subject-matter experts.

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